In this documentary movie Al Gore examines the dangers presented to mankind by homebrew beer. Al speaks to experts in the field of homebrewing, many of whom have experienced firsthand the danger that homebrew presents to mankind (especially when you drive after drinking five litres of it).

In this documentary movie Al Gore examines the serious threat posed to the planet by private investigators. Al presents clips from the “World’s Wildest Police Videos 37” and eyewitness accounts from Duane “Dog” Chapman of the cult TV show “Dog the Bounty Hunter”.

In this documentary movie Al Gore examines the cataclysmic dangers presented to mankind by stomach bugs and food poisoning. Al presents convincing evidence which shows that if we don’t close all fried chicken takeaway outlets within the next five years the population of the world will literally vomit itself to death.
In this documentary movie Al Gore examines the fatal consequences of ignoring the global threat of incontinence. Al presents frightening pictures from rest homes around the globe and then uses them to show that if we don’t start spending millions more tax payer dollars on adult diapers the world as we know it could cease to exist.

In this documentary movie Al Gore explores the dangers presented to the environment by white gangsta rap. Al speaks to Vanilla Ice, who has reformed since his chart topping days, and become a campaigner promoting the message of the dangers of unchecked global wrapping (white rapping).

In this documentary movie Al Gore explores the serious threat posed to global economies and social stability by the Salvation Army church. Al speaks to ex-members of this Protestant denomination and discovers a seedy underbelly of global corruption and illegal arms trading that threatens humanity.

In this documentary movie Al Gore examines the frightening dangers posed to humanity by global tooth decay. Al speaks to the nation’s leading dentists, and all of them who were paid by Al Gore’s production company agree that global tooth decay will bring about an increase in hurricanes, floods and bad breath.
There is no word yet on when the first of the new movies will be in theatres.