Eight Catholics…
Two teams…
Ten days of dubious liturgy…
But there can be only one survivor of
Day Ten:
Team Tridentine is in disarray!
After winning two challenges in a row, thus allowing them to keep their entire team intact, the team has polarized into two opposing factions.
The team problems started when Tom from
Within moments, four of the island’s 27 liturgy directors had been informed of the comments and had made their way down to see Tom from
It seems that Tom from
The liturgists began berating Tom from
But just as
He then also goes on to further enrage the Survivor Liturgy Island Liturgy Directors by stating that his “grandfather could write a better hymn than Marty, and he’s dead!”
Within moments the entire team is fighting, and the Liturgy Directors have evicted John from
Day Twelve:
Both teams awake to discover that intruders have been introduced to
Each team is forced to take one new team member who has been introduced to the island by the Liturgy Directors of Survivor Liturgy Island.
Team Tridentine is forced to accept Intruder Sally and Team
Intruder Chris immediately causes a ruckus by suggesting that Team
Day Fifteen:
Things are becoming strained on
Intruder Chris recommends that if his team would take the time to reconnect with mother earth then their negative energy would be displaced by a cosmic happiness and life-joy.
The team challenge, which requires each team to make liturgical vestments, goes bad for Team Tridentine when an attempt to gather coconuts for their liturgical waistcoats results in a near fatal accident. One of the camera crew is crushed when a Team Tridentine member falls on him from a coconut tree.
Intruder Sally and Intruder Chris
Day Twenty:
Things have gone horribly awry on
Both teams have split into four separate schismatic groups, with all four teams claming that they are the only true and real champions and lords of
Team Tridentine now only performs liturgies at
The other two teams (Team Dionysus and Team Serenity) are living on separate sides of the island in caves. No one is really sure what they do, but their liturgies can be heard from the other side of the island.
A Team Gregorian member during a divine rage liturgy
Day Twenty Two:
After suggesting that they should try and reunite the teams with a trivia challenge about Matthew Fox and Hans Kung,
The other teams have erected a g
The prayer reads…
“Hail Marty, full of taste; the words are with thee
Blessed art thou are among music
Holy Marty, father of songs in G
Play for us singers, now and at the hour of our liturgy”
They are also halfway through constructing a “
Day Thirty:
No one has heard from
Some of the Survivor Liturgy Island Liturgy Directors have joined teams (eight teams at last count) while others are working as liturgy consultants to several of the teams.
Sources tell us that Cardinal Arinze is on his way to
This picture was taken as the camera crew fled the island under cover of darkness
The end of this episode seems to be a really good lesson on the consequences of heterodoxy.
Keep it coming!
That's exaclty the point i was trying to make brother!!!
I'm glad someone got it!
You should send the "Hail Marty" prayer into the Moratorium site to add to the parody list!
If you let me know some more details about Moratorium i'll send it off to them!
Ah yes - the Society for a Moratorium on the Music of Marty Haugen and David Haas, which I am a proud member of, can be found at http://www.mgilleland.com/music/moratorium.htm
I have gotten a good laugh out of your Survivor-Liturgy Island series. It just proves the fact that the best humor is based on reality. I just wish that all those who promote this garbage in the "Spirit of Vatican II" could be shipped off to an island & let those who know what Vatican II actually said do it right.
I am going to be printing a copy of the entire trilogy & giving it to my parish's liturgy & music coordinator. Maybe he'll finally get the hint. But I doubt it. Sadly, last Sun every song at Mass but 1 of the "communion" songs (I refuse to use the word hymn) was either by Haugan, Haas or Farrell.
While I like a couple of Haugan's tunes most of them have lyrics that are puerile at best. & some of the songs written by those 3 that are used at communion make me disgusted because they either deny the real presence or are so focused on us that you would think we are there to worship & honor ourselves not God.
At least I haven't yet had to post a no-liturgical dancing sign on the liturgy director's door. YET!
Al, let's not forget the horrendous blurbs written by the "Former Rev." Carey Landry and much of the muzak of the St. Louis Jesuits. Almost anything by Gregory Norbet (formerly of Weston Priory) gets a size 10-1/2 up the behind as well.
Entertaining and illustrative. Thanks for the link to the Moratorium, Mr. Page.
This is an old post...but shouldn't there be a Moto (Proprio) tribe?
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